Friday 12 December 2008

Colon Cleansing Gas

Colon Cleansing Gas May Be A Thing Of The Past

Why do people have a colon cleanse? And just what is a colon and why does it get so dirty, anyway? The colon is part of your digestive system that works like a filter. It takes out all of the toxins that might be in your food or that you might take in because of pollution or even free radicals. Like any other kind of filter, it needs to be cleaned out periodically. We used to do that with a balanced diet, with plenty of fiber. Now in these modern times, we are prone to irritable bowel syndrome and the intense pressure and bloating of gas. So with a colon cleansing, gas and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can often be relieved.

Daily Doses

There are many options when choosing a colon cleaning, gas relief product. Since intestinal gas is mainly produced in the colon, reducing that gas often comes from cleaning out the colon. One of the most popular and gentlest kinds are those taken once a day, like a multivitamin. They come in pills, capsules or liquid formulas. These colon cleansing, gas-reducing products are easily available over the counter at drug stores and in specialty health food stores or vitamin shops like GNC.

Cleansing Systems

There are also more intense colon cleansing, gas-relieving products for sale on line and through television ads. These involve a lot more steps than just a once a day dose. It is hoped that your colon will be cleansed for moths afterwards. These have become popular because Hollywood actresses have claimed they use these colon cleansing, gas-relieving systems. You usually need to fast for a few days and then take the product. If you cannot fast for health reasons, skip these. Be sure to read the directions carefully before you purchase. If you have any uncertainties about taking these intense, multi-day systems, don’t take it.

Home Remedy For Colon Cleansing

People are very creative and will do almost anything to save a buck. Many people, turned off by the high cost of the colon cleansing, gas-relieving systems products, decided to make their own. They often share these recipes on the web. You will be quite overwhelmed by choices of homemade colon cleansing recipes on the Internet. Most of them contain psyllium husk powder. However, they are often tailored to meet the needs of one person and may not work for you. Be careful with these and don't forget to try home remedies for colon cleansing.

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